Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Sleep Versus Call Time: A Comparison

It's been hours. You don't even know what time it is. Your eyes are stinging and your vision is blurred. Your partner is rocking to herself in the corner with an alarming, vacant expression. There's been a lot of crying, some of it from yourself. And all you can think of is why the little brat won't just DO IT already.

I am talking, of course, about getting candidates to do call time.

For the (mercifully) uninitiated, call time is the foundation of all political campaigns. For various reasons we require campaigns to be funded by charitable contributions, and the only reliable way to get enough of those is for the candidate to sit in a room and call a bunch of people until they send money. It's really simple and almost effortless. So of course candidates won't do it. Ever. Every manager has had to yell at her candidate to get back to fucking call time. Even Barack Obama's manger did it. I guarantee you.

So as you might imagine, this has a lot of parallels with that time-honored, torturous ritual of getting your infant to go to goddamned sleep. I'd say they're identical, except that it's actually easier to get a recalcitrant, angry, shrieking baby to sleep than it is to get your average candidate into call time. After all, the baby is EVENTUALLY going to pass out in total exhaustion. He may not do it right now. He may not do it before YOU pass out in total exhaustion. But it's going to happen. Not so much for call time, even though the candidates will absolutely, 100% lose, do not pass Go, do not start "grassroots campaign" lose, unless they pick up the stupid phone and make the stupid calls.

With that in mind here is a comparison of the many ways candidates avoid call time and young children avoid sleep. All of the tactics in either column have been reliably confirmed to me or experienced by myself:

Candidate Dodging Call Time
Baby Dodging Sleep
Scream like an angry baby
Scream like an angry candidate
Hide under the table
Hide under the table
Take interns out for coffee
Giggle and play quietly showing no outward signs of fatigue
Fake phone calls
Fake being asleep
Flee the country
Flee the room
Start fights
Punch parent in windpipe/claw at eyes
Stick hands in pants to avoid touching phone
Take giant shit
Demand to look at questionnaire drafts/ads/press release copy over and over
Demand same book be read over and over
Wear manager down into insane nervous wreck
Wear parent down into insane nervous wreck


  1. Hi - I'm longtime finance director and a new mum. Your list is spot on, but I have a few more things to add:
    If you leave a candidate unattended for a minute (as is sometimes necessary) s/he'll stop making money calls. He sleeps great on my lap or in my arms, but the second I put my son in the cot to sleep he wakes up.
    I've gotten candidates to stay in call time longer by having snacks available whether it was jellybeans or, for one candidate whose home kitchen rivaled that of a frat house, cherry tomatoes and fresh fruit. Not only does the baby prefer to fall asleep with a nipple in his mouth, but he likes to keep it there. The entire time.

  2. Excellent additions! The Nonvoter also is of the never sleep by himself school of thought.
